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MBE - MUI-Brush Expander, Developer Archive
Version 1.0
Date: August 1994
Author: Johannes Beigel
Copyright © 1994 by Johannes Beigel
Developer's Guide
IMPORTANT: If you didn't do so, you should get the user archive of MBE
called 'MBE_xx' (where xx is the version). You should install it and
read the doumenatation. You should have read the developer
documentation of MUI, too.
MBE is a nice thing. But it's also a kind of a hack! So you should use
MBE only if you really need it. If you simply want to display a logo,
you shouldn't use MBE but load an ILBM brush with Bodychunk class.
The developer version of MBE is Giftware. That means that you should
send me a gift if you use MBE in your application. I prefer money,
CDs/LPs/MCs with (Hard-)Rock, Blues or Jazz music or FD software about
MUI, MagicWB, C programming and MIDI :) You should send at least your
program that uses MBE on disk(s). My address is:
Johannes Beigel
Fliederstr. 43a
65396 Walluf
I'm sorry, but I don't have a modem.
NOTE: A nice gift would be translations the C include file into some
other programming languages. I only "speak" C (and a little bit C++),
but it would be nice to have Oberon, M2, Assembler... includes in this
You must own MBE ==> You must own at least MUI 2.1 ==> You must own at
least OS 2.04.
You have to be a registered user of MUI.
This is the way MBE works:
- You create an MBE-image with the developer prefs editor of MBE. Then
you save (or 'use') the settings.
- You create an object of MBE class in your application, where you pass
the ID of your MBE-image. Since MBE class is a subclass of Image class
(and Area class) you can create a button gadget or something else with
your MBE-image.
- MBE class loads the settings file at object-creation-time and searches
for the given ID. If it finds an MBE-image with the ID, it loads the
imagery and displays it.
I think the principle is very simple and easy to understand. But the big
advantage for the user is the ability to configure the MBE-images.
The Developer Prefs-Editor
The developer prefs editor is almost the same program as the user prefs
editor of MBE. There are only three differences:
1. The developer prefs editor has a 'New' button to create a new
2. The developer prefs editor has a string gadget for the ID of the
MBE-image and not just a text gadget.
3. The of the about requester is different ;-)
Giving an ID
Every MBE-image ID is a longword. You have to take your MUI serial
number as upper word but you mustn't set the highest bit. So you have
65536 different ID's.
Of course the MBE-image ID must be unique.
Let's think of the serial number 12345.
1. : ( 12345 << 16 ) = 0x30390000 = 809041920
2. : ( 12345 << 16 ) | 1 = 0x30390001 = 809041921
3. : ( 12345 << 16 ) | 2 = 0x30390002 = 809041922
65536.: ( 12345 << 16 ) | 65535 = 0x3039FFFF = 809107455
Creating an MBE-object
First you have to include the include file 'MBE_mcc.h'. Then you can
create an MBE-object using macros.
mbe_button = MBEObject,
MUIA_Background, MUII_ButtonBack,
MUIA_InputMode, MUIV_InputMode_RelVerify,
mbe_button = MBEButton( MY_ID )
mbe_image = MBEImage( MY_ID )
Distributing an MBE Application
If you distribute an MBE-Application you either have to include the MBE
archive into your archive (Its size is less than 40K.) or the user of
your application has to get it her/himself.
Of course you have to include an MBE prefs file describing the
MBE-images that are needed for your application. If it is useful, you
can include the MUI-brushes for these MBE-images, too.
Don't forget to send me this application on disk :)
The MBE developer archive is Giftware and copyright © 1994 by Johannes
Beigel. You are allowed to freely distribute this archive as long as you
distribute the *whole* archive and as long as you don't take more than
DM 5 (or an corresponding amount in another standard). This price
includes teh costs for a disk but not the postage.
You are allowed to distribute the MBE developer archive together with
non-commercial software. If you want to distribute it together with
commercial software, you have to write me.
The MBE developer archive can be included on PD disks or CD-ROMs.
I want to thank Stefan Stuntz, all MUI-programmers, Martin Hutteloher
and all people who draw these nice XEN-style icons, patterns...
Thank you, Martin Schulze, for distributing all my stuff.